Cost of email marketing compared to traditional mail

Cost of Email Marketing
We explained earlier several advantages of email marketing, including the cost. This article provides a cost comparison between email marketing and traditional mail.

In my role as marketing manager for the past 7 years, I have run many email marketing and traditional marketing campaigns. Here is a rough comparison of the average costs involved in each channel for sending a single-page flyer/newsletter to 10,000 recipients:

Cost of direct marketing to 10,000 recipients

Traditional Mail
Email Marketing
(Own mailing list)
Email Marketing
(3rd party mailing list)
Content and Artwork
$ 1,000
$ 100
$ 100
Printing and Addressing
$ 2,500
$ 2,500
$ 2,500
Total cost to reach 10,000 recipients
$ 6,000
$ 100
$ 2,600
Cost per recipient
$ 0.6
$ 0.01
$ 0.26

Cost is not the only factor involved. You should also consider the time it takes process a campaign. Here's a rough comparison of the average time for each channel (again for 10,000 recipients). 

Time required for direct marketing to 10,000 recipients

Traditional Mail
Email Marketing
(Own mailing list)
Email Marketing
(3rd party mailing list)
Content and Artwork
5 days
4 hours
1 day
Printing and Addressing
2 days
2 days
1 day
Total time to reach 10,000 recipients
9 days
4 hours
2 days

You can see the difference is extremely large.Now imagine how much longer it takes if you want to test your campaign on a small portion of your mailing list before sending to all!