From name is as important as the subject line and will determine whether your email would be read or not. Here are a few tips which successful email marketers use to when choosing their “From” name:
- Keep the “From” name as short as possible. Anything longer than 20 characters is likely to be cut by the email client and would not be fully visible in the list of emails.
- Don't use an email address. People are used to seeing an actual name in the “From” field rather than an email address. So keep the email address in the “from address” field and don’t repeat it in “from name”.
- They tend to open emails from people or companies they recognize. So it is better to use your organization name, brand or an individual’s name that is well known to the recipients.
- Keep the same name on all future emails of the same nature so your recipients recognize it and know what they can expect when they see that name.
- It would be more effective to use an individual’s name, if you wish to receive a reply (e.g. in a B2B business where you want clients to talk to sales before making a decision). This way, the recipients will feel they have received a direct email from a person rather than a mass email. This will increase the response rate significantly.
- If you don’t wish to receive replies on your campaign, don't use a person’s name as the sender’s name of your email. Use your brand or company name instead.
- Use different sender's names for different campaigns. This will, for example, differentiate promotional from transactional emails and help get more important emails read.
- Test different from names and see which one works better for your business. Create different emails and send each of them to a small portion of your database and see which “From” name brings you better results.